Industrial dust has significant downsides you shouldn’t ignore. In addition to serious health risks to your employees, it can result in heavy penalties due to non-compliance with the environment and employee safety regulations. For this reason, you need robust dust control solutions like those from BossTek. That way, you protect you prioritize your employees’ safety and comply with industrial dust regulations. Here are some of the most effective solutions for controlling industrial dust.
Install industrial dust collectors
Dust collectors are effective in controlling dust. Unlike water-based systems, they suppress dust in areas where water is not wanted. These systems are specially designed to prevent indoor dust. They suck up dust using a powerful fan, dust pickup hood, and ducting tubes to gather particles in a collecting chamber. Once the chamber is full, you must dump the dust in a separate location. Dust collectors’ designs are highly customizable to fit the needs of different job sites. Since every job site has unique needs, their customizability makes them an excellent method to control industrial dust.
Use misting cannons on your industrial site
Misting cannons are the most effective in controlling airborne dust in terms of efficiency and cost. They use the least possible amount of water to efficiently drop dust particles to the ground. To achieve this, misting cannons leverage atomized mist technology to create fine water particles in the 50 – 200-micron range. This range is the optimal water droplet size to arrest airborne dust particles and drop them to the ground.
If the water droplets are too tiny, they will have insufficient weight to drop dust particles to the ground. If they are too big, the slipstream effect will prevent effective dust suppression. Misting cannons create just the right size of water droplets to fight airborne dust particles of various sizes. Misting cannons are also mobile and flexible. They can oscillate horizontally and are vertically adjustable. Plus, they are highly portable for job-site-to-job-site transportation. So whether you want to control dust in a central location or situations like demolitions, misting cannons have the capability.
Use partitions
Partitions are portable dust control walls. They act as anti-dust curtains that contain dust in one place and prevent particles from becoming airborne. For example, you can use it to enclose a dust-producing activity to restrict dust in one area. Alternatively, you can use partitions to protect specific areas in the industry from dust invasion. That way, you can use this technique to keep particular industrial products safe and contamination-free.
Industrial partitioning is an excellent dust control method because of several perks. First, you can easily and quickly install them since they come ready-made. Additionally, partitions are cost-effective. Compared to expensive traditional partitioning methods, modern dust-control partitions are made from reinforced PVC or glass material, which are affordable. In addition, partitions are highly flexible. You can easily relocate them from one job site to another.
Leverage surface suppression
This dust control technique wets the surface to prevent water from becoming airborne. Surface suppression leverages excess water to make dust particles heavy and unable to become airborne. However, surface wetting consumes much water. This may mean increased bills that skyrockets your operational cost.
Use the above solutions to effectively and affordably fight against industrial dust. As a result, you protect your employees from the effects of industrial dust and avoid unnecessary fines.